Family Promise of Hamilton County exists to help create stability in the lives of those who are homeless or at-risk. We are currently in a period of economic crisis, below is a guide to help you through. We hope this helps you to create stability, even through this difficult time. Please call, 317.774.5196 if you need more assistance.
Homeless: If you are homeless and in immediate need of shelter please call Family Promise to discuss your situation and how we can help you right now.
Rent/Mortgage: The Governor of Indiana filed an order that will not allow evictions or foreclosures to be filed for the next 60 days. However, that money will have to be paid at some point, so it is best to not get behind. It is important that you keep the lines of communication with your landlord open, if you are unable to pay, contact your landlord, and explain your situation. If your landlord is telling you to leave, stay sheltered in place and call Family Promise. Evictions cannot be enforced right now. You may qualify for mortgage or rental assistance through Family Promise or your Township Trustee may have funds to help. If you need assistance, please call Family Promise or your local trustee’s office.
Adams Township Trustee 317-758-1029
Jackson Township Trustee 317-984-3826
White River Township Trustee 317-984-9370
Washington Township Trustee 317-574-9490
Noblesville Township Trustee 317-773-0249
Wayne Township Trustee 317-773-3179
Clay Township Trustee 317-846-2773
Delaware Township Trustee 317-842-8595
Fall Creek Township Trustee 317-841-3180
Utilities: As of right now, none of your utilities will be disconnected and some fees incurred are able to be waived. These utilities include electric, gas, internet, phone, water, and sewage. However, the money incurred will have to be paid at some point, so it is best to not get behind. We recommend filing for the GSN Energy Assistance Program (EAP), please click here to download the application or see income requirements. If you need assistance filling out the application, please call us. Your Township Trustee may also have funds available to help.
Food: The Food Pantries in Hamilton County are still open and working diligently to meet your needs. Please click here to see the available pantries near you and for updates on how they are operating during this pandemic. Also, please apply for SNAP. SNAP provides food assistance to low- and no-income individuals and families living in the US. Funds are loaded onto a debit card to purchase food at the grocery store. To apply please click here. To see income requirements please click here. If you need assistance, please call Family Promise.
Unemployment: If you have lost your job and are unable to find another one, please file an unemployment insurance claim. To file a claim, please click here. Not everyone will be eligible, but you should try.
Temporary Financial Assistance: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a program that provides cash assistance and support services to families with children under the age of 18. If you are a family with children who has experienced a layoff, you should try to apply. To view income requirements, please click here. To fill out an application, please click here.
Childcare: We realize that childcare is difficult to utilize right now due to a lack of available childcare centers being open, but it is still a necessity for those who are essential employees. The Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) is a resource that will help pay for some or all childcare expenses if you qualify. For information about who is eligible for childcare assistance please click here.To fill out an application, please click here.
Jobs: We know you want and need to work as it is the only way for people to create and/or maintain stability. We will be posting job listings as we are made aware of them.
Healthcare: It may be possible for you to qualify for health coverage. To fill out an application, please click here.
Helpful Tips:
Keep the lines of communication open with your landlord.
Utilize food pantries for food
If you do not qualify for benefits now, do not get discouraged, you may qualify after 30 days without income
If you need assistance in an area that is not listed, please contact Family Promise at 317.774.5196.
Stay healthy, and please remember that will are all in this together and we will get through this together.